The BODcast - S3E2
Hello … can it be? Episode 2 of Season 3? Ha, that rhymes - but I promise the rest of the episode won’t.
It’s my birthday tomorrow and I have been having a hard time knowing what I want to talk with you about. Am I having an existential crisis? Am I burned out? Do I simply not have much to say?
No idea. But I figured if I sat down and wrote the show notes something would come out.
I’m still on a high from when I recorded with Sarah at the start of the month and things have been great - but I have been doing some reflecting.
I spoke about goals and intentions on Instagram and I felt that when I listed my goals that I would be broad and universal - yet somehow I still ended up listing actions, outcomes - a to-do list.
So I have been working on my thinking and with the help of one of my most favourite people (my boss, Barb) I looked at all the things I create as The Bodzilla. Do you know what I realised? Making this podcast is one of the most important things on my list of creations.
That list was long - longer than I expected… and when I added up the time I spent on it and added that to my full-time work hours, added on the time I aspire to spend with my family, I realised I would need to forgo sleep, socialising or sanity to continue.
So - I am starting 37 with intentions.
I intend to do less. Yes, I’m going to keep working - just less often, for less time, under less pressure.
I intend to learn more. I never read the books I buy, I always wish I knew more about the things that matter to me. I will take the recommendations I ask for.
I intend to unwind. I am stressed, and cranky, and while I am good at communicating that so I can set expectations, I don’t like it. It’s not good for me. My body has been giving me signs and I have been ignoring them.
I intend to keep pushing. I put myself out there for opportunities, speak up about inclusion, ask for more and better for myself and for others. I’ve got no plans to stop.
For all the wonderful people who keep listening, I thank you. Good things are coming, for me and for you.
A short and sweet episode - I promise to keep bringing amazing guests on and chatting about big topics.
Until next week, remember; your body, my body - every body is a good body.