The BODcast - S2: E1
Hello! It’s Season 2 of the BODcast, can you believe? So much has happened since I released the last episode, it feels like a lifetime ago.
I thought the best way to relaunch this podcast would be to answer the questions I imagine you have if this is your first listen. Welcome!
And if you were here listening last year, then I am so glad to have you back, THANK YOU!
Let’s start with me! What’s my deal? Who am I? Well, you can call me The Bodzilla or April, because that is my name… and yes, that’s a reference to Bridget Jones’ Diary, I’m so sorry if you’re too young to know what that is! HAHA but seriously - if what you really want to know is ‘who am I to you?’ then I’m your online body acceptance bestie who’s going to be ready to explain, empathise, energise and embolden!
I’ve always been the person who loves to volunteer to speak for the group. I tell jokes when I’m comfortable and even more jokes if I'm uncomfortable. I’m loud and brash and boisterous and so many things we’ve been told not to be when we’re fat. Lots of people call me confident, and I can work with that. Sometimes the confidence is more of a show but hey, whatever gets the vibes going.
As far as who I am to the people I’m closest to, I’m a daughter, mother, wife, friend, colleague and the person who’ll always make themselves look a bit silly to make you laugh.
This might leave you wondering ‘Well, April, why do you call yourself The Bodzilla?’
I mean, it’s a badass name, right? I can’t take the credit, it was thought up by someone else who encouraged me to focus on sharing body positivity online when we connected in 2019. I took the leap to change my profile in February 2020 and have not yet learned how to stop the creeping blush that comes over my face when I hear/see someone speaking about me as ‘The Bodzilla’.
The Bodzilla is a part of who I’ve always been. I just didn’t always have a name for her.
If you’ve been hanging out with me on the socials, you already know what I’ve been getting up to - but if you’ve stumbled across me recently, you might be wondering if you’ve seen or heard of me before.
Earlier this year I was part of CurvySwim’s ‘Beach Please’ campaign which involved me posing in a lilac velvet bikini on Cronulla Beach. I was photographed by the amazing Jez Smith who you might remember as a judge from Australia’s Next Top Model and to say that was a life-changing experience would still be an understatement. Jez has been vocal in his criticism of how misogyny and beauty standards harm women and I am so grateful to have worked with him.
While doing that shoot, I was also filming for the final episode of the SBS “What Does Australia Really Think…?” TV series. Again, what a moment! Hosted by Casey Donovan, whom I’ve been fangirling over since the early 2000s, the show explored Australia’s perception of obesity. It was a little hard to watch at times, but I hope that the impact it has on people is enough to make a real difference.
Aside from that, I might pop up on Triple J, social media campaigns for sex toys, modelling for brands or as a guest on one of your other favourite podcasts. Some might say I am an influencer? I like to think I am influential in the sense that I am someone you’re willing to take advice from. I sometimes think of myself as a writer, a model or public speaker… essentially I’m a Pisces with a smartphone.
I also have a paid job in communications that I go to as well as being lucky enough to make content like this and on the ‘gram. My child is old enough to use the toilet alone but not the toaster so that keeps me busy and I also enjoy socialising, mostly with people who like sparkling wine and scintillating conversation.
You might be wondering ‘Well, why do you need a podcast?’ Let me answer that question with a question: Why does anyone, really? I have thoughts that I love to share, online and in real life, and I wanted to make these bite-size episodes so that it’s a bit like a quick chat with a friend to learn something new or unpack an idea you’re new to. I want to always be doing my part to amplify the issues and views of marginalised people so that genuine diversity and inclusion is something we do habitually in every aspect of our lives, rather than as a corporate initiative or clout chasing.
Speaking of thoughts I’ve had, I wanted to recap the episodes from last season briefly - if you want to go back and listen, great - if not, that’s cool.
Episode 1 covered the basic differences between body positivity (I’m going to say BoPo, because Body Positivity is actually quite hard to say) and self love. I recorded it as my first episode because I think it’s really important to know the difference between normalising normal bodies, accepting ourselves and making space for the owners of bodies which deserve an equal chance to be celebrated.
Episode 2 was on intersectionality - everyone has their own experiences of how their body has been perceived and treated and the ways that society checks the boxes we tick. You’ve probably heard this word used when talking about feminism.
Episode 3 handled a question from a listener about how to talk to her loved ones about their bodies; I shared my thoughts and some insights into how we feel about the word 'fat'. I have a sneaking suspicion that wasn’t the last time I will talk about that topic!
The last episode of Season 1 was the first one with a guest (though not the last!) and that guest was the wonderful Abbie Chatfield. She was in hotel quarantine and when I tell you it was a hilarious chat, that’s an understatement.
It was released in August, and then as the part of the world I live in started to open up again, The BODcast went on a hiatus. So what’s changed since August last year?
Well, me for a start! I think it’s healthy to change and grow, learn and listen. That’s what this podcast is supposed to be about - learning and teaching and sharing so we can all be better. But I’ve also been lucky enough to be able to find time to get back to recording these episodes and joined the Acast Creator Network so I’m RIDICULOUSLY excited for Season 2!
That brings me to the fun bit - what I’ll be talking about this season. I intend to cover some topics that are especially relevant to me, as a fat ciswoman of colour - but also, to share knowledge and open conversations about ways we can be allies to communities we aren’t a part of. I hope to be able to bring more guests on for discussions about their experiences - I want you to submit topics too and share your ideas for guests and topics, or questions.
If you’re wondering whether there’s anything I won’t be talking about - well, I don’t think my voice is needed in every space or on every subject, so I probably won’t discuss pop culture or news. You also won’t hear me committing an episode to opinions about specific people! I will always look for an opportunity to have a guest come on to speak on their lived experiences. I’m all about amplifying the stories of marginalised people.
So, like I said, thank you so much for listening to this episode, if you’ve gotten this far - I am so excited to drop the next one in less than a week. So until then, take care of yourself and remember - your body, my body… every body is a good body.